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Number Of Step


ProTUBE L model, which is TSE EN1004 Certified Professional Scaffolding System, can move on its wheels without being mounted on any surface. It consists of light and practical assemble parts, so it can be easily taken to the desired place in the work area. The product can be installed up to the required height, and the platform can be adjusted according to the height to work. Since it is made of aluminum material, its installation is simple, light and useful.

ProTUBE L scaffolding systems offer a safe, modular, durable and economical solutions up to 14 m. Carrying Capacity per Platform is 200 kgs. It is installed in a short time thanks to its practical mounting apparatus, and a safer working area is provided by expanding the floor area by the stabilizers. The risk of equipment falling down from the scaffolding is eliminated by the toeboard that can be mounted on the platform.

Our Protube L scaffolding, which consists of two platforms of 120x245 cm, offers a wide working area for users. If the area to be installed is a narrower than this, you can prefer Protube S series scaffoldings with a working area of 60x245 cm.